
Home sweet home….they say home is where the heart is. So what if your heart has pieces missing – what if it is broken so badly and spread in so many directions – you just don’t know where home is?

Home, the place you belong.

But what if you can’t find that place you belong in – what happens when the reality shatters the myth of happily ever after?

What happens when one day something happens that rips the bottom right out from beneath you,  and you just don’t know where your place is any more?

When you are torn between worlds – when your heart is in so many places – when you are in one place – your heart hurts and longs to be some where else? When such a huge part of your heart is with someone, in a place you can’t get to. So where is home, where is the safe place – that place of comfort and peace?

I wish I could say I have found the answers – that I have been enlightened – had an earth shattering moment that clarified it all ~ I don’t ~